For companies

🏆Are you looking for talent?🥇

Look no further. We have a few different ways you can reach our students, see below!

If you have questions related to recruiting, you can always contact the head of corporate relations at yrityssuhdevastaava(at)

Recruiting platform

Welcome - you are already at the platform (! Recruiting platform is a great way for companies to easily advertise their open positions and target specifically the students at Tietokilta. Consequently, we students hope that you design the process of applying to be simple and efficient 😉

In addition to placing the ad at the platform, the platform post will be sent to our recruiting email and a notification about the new listing will be posted to our recruiting Telegram channel. The recruiting platform is open for all IT related job adverts from any company.

If you want to advertise your open positions to the sharpest and most talented computer science students in the world (or even in the universe?🤔) and therefore recieve top tier applicants to the job, this platform is for you!

Learn more and add your job advertisement here!


UraTiKAS is a recruitment event designed specifically for advertising summer jobs in the software industry. The event is organized in cooperation with the Guild of Automation and Systems Technology. The event takes place usually somewhere between January and February, and companies are searched to attend in November-December of the previous year.

The format of UraTiKAS is a one-day event, where companies get to introduce themselves to the students and explain what kind of employees they are looking for. After the presentations, the students can ask questions in a structured questions and answers section. After the structured presentations, the students are free to move around the stand-area and talk to the company representatives in a more informal way.

Although the event is nowhere near as big as AaltoTalent or RekryForum-fair, it is more focused and reaches more IT students than either of the above.

Recruiting booklet

The Rekrylehti (“recruitment leaflet”) is a leaflet suitable for longer-term visibility among students. It is a starting point for students who are looking for a job or an internship, and helps them to discover and familiarize themselves with companies working in IT sector.

The leaflet is published somewhere between September and October, usually at the same time as the overall gala where fuksis get their overalls, and is distributed online and in the Tietokilta guild room (until the next issue of the leaflet is published).

Companies are sought for the recruitment leaflet in May-June of the year preceding its publication (flexibly also later).

New idea?

We are always open for discussing if you or your company has new recruitment related ideas, such as events or fairs. In these cases, please contact the head of corporate relations at yrityssuhdevastaava(at)

For information about activities that are not direct recruiting (such as excursions), please also see our main site at