TiK Recruitment platform

Without a doubt, the best way for you to find skilled applicants! 👷

The recruitment platform - or more like the recruitment system - consists of three parts: The advertisement website, Tietokilta recruiting email list and Tietokilta recruiting Telegram channel.


  • 200€ / 2 weeks at platform + email and Telegram notification
  • 300€ / 3 weeks at platform + email and Telegram notification
  • 400€ / 4 weeks at platform + email and Telegram notification

The pricing does not apply to Tietokilta official partners and main partners. (Learn more)

Creating an advertisement

The process of getting your job advertised, goes as follows:

  1. Contact the head of corporate relations at yrityssuhdevastaava(at)tietokilta.fi to get an account for your company to the recruiting platform. If your company already has an account, you may skip this step.
  2. Log in to your company account at https://rekry.tietokilta.fi/ghost.
  3. Create a new Post (not a Page) at the left side navigation
  4. Write a good advertisement
  5. Add a feature image above the title and write a custom excerpt in the post settings to briefly describe the opening.
  6. Preview your post using the preview tool!
  7. Contact the head of corporate relations at yrityssuhdevastaava(at)tietokilta.fi and inform when you want the advertisement to be published, for how long, and include your billing information in this email. Inform what tags you want on your post.
  8. You are all done!🥳🎉

After these steps, the advertisement will be reviewed and published at the website, sent as email, and a notification about the new advertisement will be sent to the Telegram channel at the time you requested.

Writing the advertisement

This is finally where you get to shine! ✨

The Ghost editor is very simple and easy to use, and its usage is very intuitive. Please see this very brief guide on how to use the editor!

You can any time preview your post within the Ghost Editor by clicking the "Preview" link in the top right corner. The preview function shows you a live preview of how your post will be displayed on the site for desktop and mobile devices, as well as in the email sent to the list, and on social media (Facebook, Twitter) which confirms that your feature image is correctly sized.

There are two strict requirements for your post, for the ad to be consistent with our theming:

  • Your advertisement must contain a feature image
  • Your advertisement must contain a primary tag
  • Your advertisement should contain a custom excerpt

The feature image must be 2/1 aspect ratio (1.91/1 to be specific, as per Open Graph protocol). If the image looks good on the Twitter and Facebook posts in the preview window, the image is correctly sized! The recommended, simple and clean choice for an image is your company logo. The image is added by clicking on the link that appears when you hover above the post title.

You must choose one or more tags from the predefined tags that are available at the platform. Your post will appear on all tag pages that you have selected, so it is possible for you to target different audiences with a single post. If you have a specific tag in mind that is not in the predefined list, please contact us! The tags are added to the post when publishing, so you inform them in the email when you are ready for publishing! The following predefined tags are currently available: Summer, All levels, Bachelor, Master, Alumni, Partner (reserved for TiK partners).

The excerpt will be the first thing after the title that people will read. You are allowed to choose what you write there, but a quick explanation about the opening would be natural. If you do not provide a custom excerpt, it will be auto-generated by selecting the first ~135 characters of your post. The excerpt is added from the same post settings as tags.

Below is an example of what the advertisement cards look across the platform:

When your advertisement expires, it will be unpublished, but not deleted (unless requested). This means that you are able to use your previous posts as a template for your new ones!

Finally, as the web platform is based on Ghost, you may search help from Google using Ghost as a keyword. If you face any troubles with the creation process, our committee of corporate relations is happy to help through email at yrityssuhdevastaava(at)tietokilta.fi!

Our ideology

The main ideology behind the TiK recruiting platform is to build a direct connection between our students and the job offerings of the companies in our field. This direct connection assumes, that the company using our platform for recruiting already knows something about Tietokilta and is thus able to appreciate the level of competence and even more importantly capacity and speed of learning our students possess.

Consequently, we wish that the advertisements that you post are easy and straight forward to apply to, offer humane aspect in form of e.g. a contact from which our students are able to ask questions with a low threshold, and generally leave a good recruiting experience.

A common benefit of the direct connection for us the students and you the companies is that the job advertisements do not need to be as strict and serious as they might be in e.g. Linkedin or other job hunting platforms. We strongly encourage everyone to make their advertisement stand out as "their own", and this platform offers great tools for that! If you are looking for inspiration, the editor natively allows embedding e.g. Soundcloud/Spotify songs in the post, posting CodePen snippets, adding Youtube videos, etc😉.